A Boy, A Farm, A Dream…



Cynthia J. Faryon
Prairie Gold Publishing
…It was more than a dream of a few great men, there were women and children who dreamed of Canada and helped to make our great country. They worked the soil, pounded nails for the railway, milked the cows, and went about the business of raising a family. Together the pioneers that homesteaded the north, the plains, the west and the east, pulled together and created the land we now call home. They brought their cultures, their languages, their traditions, and their dreams, and during the times of war, they gave their sons.
A boy, a farm, a dream…is more than a novel, more than history, it’s about memories of settlers who came to the area known as Marchand, Manitoba in the municipality of La Broquerie in the 1920s and 30s. They came chasing their dreams, and succeeded in carving a community out of the Canadian wilderness.


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